Importance of writing essay
Tea Persuasive Essay Samples
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Art of the Renaissance Free Essays
The Art of The Renaissance by Maria Large Did you realize that most probable the most acclaimed painting on the planet, the Mona Lisa, was painted in the hour of the Renaissance? The oil painting of the straight confronted lady (or man), painted by the well known Leonardo De Vinci, is supposed to be painted between 1503 to 1506. Nobody knows who the individual in the work of art is. Nobody even knows whether it is De Vinci himself, a family member or even a man or a lady! The English name â€Å"Mona Lisa†, originated from a portrayal by Renaissance Art student of history â€Å"Giorgio Vassar†. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Art of the Renaissance or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now There were numerous dazzling works of art done in the timespan of the Renaissance. I’m going to quickly mention to you what occurred in the hour of the Renaissance and what styles or social viewpoints impacted these gifted specialists. Likewise, how their confidence mirrored the work of art they made. The Renaissance previously happened in Italy, spreading all through the nations beginning roughly in the sass’s and consummation around the sass’s. It was after the Middle Ages and after the Black Death had moved through numerous nations and in the long run winding up in Europe executing 1. O 4 million individuals altogether. The Renaissance was another uprising, it showed numerous things, for example, opportunity, autonomy, inventiveness, the resurrection of traditional learning, the rediscovery of old Rome and Greece, and numerous different things. In the Middle Ages there were just sure religions permitted and certain methods of living. The individuals thought of the Middle Ages as a dull time however the Renaissance changed all that. They not, at this point needed the old ways so they changed numerous angles and methods of living in this timespan, including there own language. The Renaissance craftsmanship was commonly not accomplished for entertainment only or as a side interest. It was normally used to bring in cash or made for strict reasons. Just the works of art done by the experts hand would sell for large cash, all others being of little worth. In those days, the congregation was a major piece of the pay, bringing about numerous artistic creations that were strict themed. They would offer their work of art to houses of God and places of worship for cash. The greater part of the artistic creations were based off the Life of Christ, the Life of the Virgin, the Life of the Saint or Salvation. The canvases carried new plans to craftsmanship, for example, â€Å"a feeling of space†, which makes your eye see 3 dimensional and furthermore the utilization of point of view. A major piece of the specialty of the Renaissance was strict based. The manner in which the specialists painted these artistic creations depicted confidence well indeed, even to the point of making the humanists think otherworldliness as opposed to suspecting with human independence. There were numerous popular strict works of art done in the hour of the Renaissance, for example, Leonardo De Vine’s compositions called, â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Virgin of the Rocks†. Another well known bit of workmanship, is the painting of the â€Å"Sistine Chapel Ceiling†by Michelangelo. Additionally among his well known works are his models, â€Å"David†, speaking to the David in the holy book and â€Å"Pieta†, indicating Jesus dead body in the arms of his mom Mary. An intriguing reality about the canvases is that in the Middle Ages, in view of the solid devotion to Catholicism, they were not permitted to examine the human body. After the Middle Ages finished, in light of the fact that individuals had more opportunity of religion, individuals began contemplating the human body, which brought about artistic creations that coked significantly more practical. As you have seen, the Renaissance was a major authentic change for the individuals of that time just as the individuals of today. I have just referenced a couple of the numerous bits of fine art made during the Renaissance. The specialists and their works of art are still recalled right up 'til today. The styles of their work of art have influenced how individuals make there own craft today. We can gain from the styles they utilized, their utilization of point of view, hues that demonstrated the timeframe, and even little things added to their ark that changed the entire imagine itself. In one sense, the specialty of the Renaissance could be supposed to be the genuine start of workmanship and the pathway that was set for the future fine art that is made today. References: Art and Expression-Renaissance Art by Maria Lacy Kitchen Oracle Think Quest-The Renaissance Period by (obscure) Web Gallery of Art-Welcome to the Gallery by Emil Kern and Daniel Marx Renaissance by Thomas J. Stifle, Harold E. Damager and Jose Marie Devalue BBC News-Is Ad Vine’s Mona Lisa a self-representation? By Nick Watt and Mama Snappily Step by step instructions to refer to The Art of the Renaissance, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nike, Inc. Case Study
Nike Valuation At North Point Group we accept we have built up the equation for contributing achievement. As you probably are aware superior to anybody, our Large-top reserve has surpassed every single imaginable desire lately as it beat the S&P 500 by 30% as for returns in 2000 and has proceeded with the pattern into 2001; as of the finish of June 2001 it has just delivered returns of 6. 4% while the S&P 500 has kept on battling creating an arrival of - 7. 3%. We accept these outcomes are made conceivable by our â€Å"workhorses†of the market as we like to call them. For those of you that don’t know these â€Å"workhorses†are our property in organizations that have been there through the historical backdrop of present day America. These organizations are those, for example, 3M, General Motors, McDonalds, and ExxonMobil, which have experienced the numerous thrill ride type rises and falls that characterizes our nation’s economy and has used these encounters to succeed and develop step for step with our country. We are here today to share and examine our ongoing discoveries as we continued looking for another applicant deserving of speculation from our Large-Cap Fund. The organization initially named â€Å"Blue Ribbon Sports,†now Nike Inc. has grabbed our eye. At first known for their athletic presentation shoes, Nike has formed itself into a wearing decent and clothing beast while keeping up their control in the athletic shoe part in the course of the most recent fifty years. In 1997, Nike arrived at the highest point of their game regarding income, when they announced $9 billion in incomes in their yearly report; in any case, from that point forward their incomes have been at a virtual stop, floating around $9 billion for as far back as five years. In spite of their absence of progress in the last half-decade we see improvement in their not so distant future, particularly with them effectively well into the phase of perceiving issue issues inside the organization. They have understood that one of their significant issues is what made them into what they are today, their athletic shoes. They have kept up an enormous portion of the athletic shoe showcase since their commencement however they have just barely as of late saw that this offer is gradually reducing through time, as it has dropped six percent from 1997 to 2000. Subsequent to making a stride back and taking a gander at the master plan they understood their blunder in the ongoing past, they have put a lot of their emphasis on delivering very good quality, costly athletic shoes and have disregarded the mid-evaluated shoes section which powered their development for quite a long time, yet still remained the maker of 30% of their incomes. This center will help bring the Nike brand shoe once again into the homes of any American home regardless of their salary level. Alongside their shoes, Nike has different designs to revive their corporate exhibition. The greatest of everything was the procurement of top executive, the previous president and CEO of the Polo Jeans division of opponent Jones Apparel Group, Mindy Grossman. Nike searched out Ms. Grossman in view of her excellent presentation in the attire business with the expectation that she would take their clothing division to the main; an outcome which isn't a long ways too much while considering the immense assets and impact that Nike as of now has. The expectations inside the organization are that these changes to their corporate methodology alongside some minor cost cutting alterations in the company’s tasks and organization will drive the organization up the grade of income development. With Nike reigniting their interest for greatness and energizing this fire by reestablishing their staple, mid-valued athletic shoes fit for each American, to its wonder; it’s simple to put stock in the capability of Nike, Inc. what's more, get on board with the fleeting trend. Despite the fact that we put stock in the capability of Nike, further monetary assessment is important before a choice influencing everybody in this room can be made. We got amped up for the possibility of Nike turning out to be a piece of our store not in view of the name, and the notoriety it conveys with it, but since of their surprising accomplishment during various time and differing monetary conditions. These variables combined with their current monetary battles and the effect those available cost of Nike makes them a prime worth contributing up-and-comer. WACC: We pick the weighted normal expense of funding to use as our rebate rate. We did this since we determined future incomes utilizing the free income to the firm strategy. By utilizing this technique we can represent the absolute free incomes accessible to the proprietors after all costs. This implies obligation is represented in the inborn estimation of the organization. So as to register the WACC the accompanying data sources must be determined; cost of value, after expense cost of obligation, weight of value and weight of obligation. In this area of the investigation we will give a bit by bit breakdown of how we registered those sources of info. Cost of Debt: The expense of obligation is rate at which an organization pays on its current exceptional obligation. This rate is involved things like advances or securities. Nike advantageously has just one issue of traded on an open market obligation. This is a bond that pays a 6. 75% coupon semi-yearly. It was given on 7/15/10 and is full grown on 7/15/21. The present market cost is $95. 60. To ascertain the expense of obligation we found the YTM of the main current remarkable bond issue. Starting today we are nine days from a coupon installment on 7/15/01. After this coupon installment there will be 40 more coupon installments. We are making the suspicion that a coupon is paid on the date of development. As expressed the cost of the bond recorded today is $95. 60. In the event that the bond were really to be purchased and sold the cost would need to mirror the intrigue accumulated since the last coupon installment. To compute this we deducted the quantity of days since the last installment, 173, from the quantity of days in the period, 182 = . 95. We at that point took that number and increased it by the coupon installment partitioned by 2 so as to understand the coupon installment per period. (6. 75/2)= 3. 375(. 95) = $3. 2. In view of these counts we have determined the accompanying contributions to illuminate for the YTM. Cost of Equity: The expense of value is the arrival that investors require to put resources into an organization. There are a wide range of approaches to register this worth. We will take a gander at CAPM, DDM and the income capitalization proportion. CAPM: We took a gander at two distinct approaches to compute CAPM. First utilizing the multi month T-Bill as a hazard free rate (3. 59%) alongside the number-crunching normal of profits from 1926-1999 (7. half) to compute the market hazard premium. We utilized a beta of . 8 which is the normal of the most recent 6 years. We accept this to be a decent gauge since it represents unpredictability and diminished conceivable difference. The following is our count for the expense of value. In the option CAPM model we utilized the multi year Treasury security as the hazard free rate rather than the multi month. We additionally utilized the geometric normal of authentic returns as the market hazard premium. The following is the estimation of the elective Cost of Equity. We accept that the second figuring of the CAPM utilizing the multi year security and the geometric normal is a progressively exact portrayal of the expense of value. The multi year security rate is a superior sign of the genuine hazard free rate since the reserve is seeing worth stocks which are commonly held for longer timeframes. The geometric mean is additionally a progressively practical figuring of the market chance premium since it determined genuine return, rather than the math normal which is only a straight normal computation. DDM: The computation of the profit rebate model required a profit development rate and the present stock cost. We got the profit development pace of 5. 5% from Valueline. The present offer cost is $42. 09. The computation of the expense of capital utilizing the DDM is underneath. The profit rebate model works best with organizations that follow the steady moderate development way. This is on the grounds that their profits are commonly a decent impression of income. Since Nike is certainly not a moderate developing organization and their profits are not profoundly related with changes in income we don't prescribe utilizing the DDM to assess the expense of value. Income Capitalization Rate: The profit top rate is something contrary to the P/E proportion. The information sources incorporate an understood development rate which we determined by duplicating current ROE by the present maintenance proportion of income. This development rate is utilized to extend EPS for the following year. The sources of info and figuring of the expense of value is demonstrated as follows. The income capitalization proportion is anything but a decent gauge of the expense of value for a similar explanation the DDM was not a decent model. This is on the grounds that the maintenance proportion and the profit payout proportion are reliant on one another. Since the profit payout proportion is certifiably not a decent sign of income than nor is a model that utilizes the maintenance proportion. Estimation of Debt: To adequately figure the estimation of obligation we utilized the market estimation of obligation rather than the book esteem. This gives a superior estimation of the present estimation of the obligation. To compute the market esteem we limited the LT obligation esteem that we got from the accounting report. The following are the information sources and the current estimation of the LT obligation. Notwithstanding the market estimation of long haul obligation we have to include transient obligation. This incorporates the current LT obligation installment and the notes payable as found on the 2001 asset report. In the wake of including these qualities we acquired the absolute market estimation of obligation. Estimation of Equity: To discover the estimation of the value we utilized the market estimation of the present value as opposed to utilizing the book esteem. The market value is determined by increasing the present number of offers by the present market cost. Figuring is demonstrated as follows. Capital Structure: Based available estimation of the obligation and value we determined the capital structure. The numbers are demonstrated as follows. {draw:frame} WACC Calculation: To figure the WACC we consolidated the loads of
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
The Swim Test Saga
The Swim Test Saga Youre a first-semester senior and this is what Section 2 of your Undergraduate Degree Audit looks like: This is a very lonely situation, because the vast majority of your peers passed the swim test as fresh-off-the-boat/plane/car freshmen. (During freshman orientation week, new MIT arrivals swim four laps (100 yards) in droves, and receive a free t-shirt as a reward for not drowning. If drowning seems plausible, an individual can opt to take an introductory swimming class instead.) When you arrived, drowning was highly plausible, not because you didnt know how to swim but because your ankle was badly sprained and a small bone in your foot was broken. Courtesy of a brutal Ultimate Frisbee injury, you spent the first two weeks at MIT hobbling around on crutches, and didnt get to take the swim test with your friends. :( And now its December, sub-zero (Celsius) outside, and it occurs to you that breaking your leg could actually prevent you from graduating. You do a quick calculation, and realize that you have had an average of one serious leg/foot/ankle injury per academic year at MIT. Freshman year: that Ultimate Frisbee incident. Sophomore year: the incident with the wheelie chair and the ramp, which landed you in an x-ray facility at Mount Auburn Hospital. Junior year: the incident on the New House 5 staircase, which landed you in an ambulance and MIT Medical. You were on crutches for weeks, thanks to a broken big toe. Senior year: ??? Uh oh. Visions of watching your friends receive their diplomas while you weep in the audience flash through your mind. You have pistol class in a few minutes (for those last two PE Points!) and the swimming pool is right near the range*, so you put on a swimsuit and head on over. *Theyre separated by lots of wall, dont worry. Its 2pm. Goggles on your forehead, you approach a lifeguard and announce that you are here to take the swim test. She looks at you skeptically. Its only offered at 8am and 8pm, she says. You say that you saw on the website that its possible to arrange to take the test at a different time. Try going to the swim office, she says, waving her hand vaguely in the direction of a solid wall. Okay. You retreat to the locker room, look up the swim office number, and walk over barefoot. Knock, knock. Swim office lady: Hello? Me: Hi. Id like to take the swim test, and I was wondering if I can arrange to take it now since theres a lifeguard free. Swim office lady: Um. I dont know anything about that, sorry. And the guy who does is in a meeting. Me: Do you know when the meeting will be over? Swim office lady: I dont know anything about it, sorry. Me: Okay. Swim office lady: You can leave a note for him and Ill get him to e-mail you. Me (thinking that seems unlikely): Okay. You write your name and e-mail address down, wait around for ten minutes, then sheepishly walk home. * * * Six Hours Later * * * You return, except now its MANY MORE degrees below freezing. Clothes in locker, goggles on forehead, find lifeguard. Lifeguard #1: You need your ID card. Back to locker room, retrieve ID card, past Lifeguard #1 who seems busy, find Lifeguard #2. Lifeguard #2: Okay, lets find a lane. There are no empty lanes. Lifeguard #2 stops a random man at the end of his lap. Can we share this lane with you? Theres a student who needs to take the swim test. He says sure, then awkwardly starts zigzagging, presumably because hes not sure which half of the lane you want. Lifeguard #2: Okay, you have to jump in, then swim four laps continuously. You must swim the first three laps on your stomach, but the last one can be on your back if youd like. Me: Okay. (Thinking JUMP? Like, jump far? Or just hop? Or step? What if I land on the other swimmer? Also, why would anybody opt to swim the last lap backstroke?) You jump and start with freestyle. At the end of the second lap, you remember that freestyle is kind of tiring and switch to breaststroke. Four laps isnt too bad. Me: Okay, all done. Lifeguard #2: Great! As you walk out, you pass Lifeguard #1. He says piece of cake, right? and for some reason that makes you realize that you forgot to bring a change of clothes. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You stick your head under the hairdryer for a couple of minutes, then walk back to your dorm commando so that your swimsuit doesnt freeze solid to your skin. Congratulations! You passed the swim test. Four laps (and zero displacement) closer to graduation.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Reflection Of The Poem The Great Gatsby By F. Scott...
He Ran and Ran The ball was thrown to the wide receiver Who ran and ran with the ball Trying to score that first down That was needed so desperately He ran and ran through the line Dodging each defender in his way He twisted and weaved through the safeties He ran and ran to get first down Zipped through the hands of every lineman The crowd cheered him as he plowed He ran and ran and continued to run All the way to touchdown Reflection for Poem #1 I feel that this poem does really well in describing what happens in the moment when the ball is caught by the receiver. I changed the structure of the ballad like poem so that it fits more with the steady pulse and the overall poem is rather smooth. The constant â€Å"ran and ran†does very well with the overall poem because the whole purpose of this poem is to run and run when the ball is caught. I also changed a couple words so that it flows slightly better. I really enjoyed writing this poem because I felt that this poem was not hard to write at all and required a bit of creativity as well. This poem was probably one of my favorites as well because the ballad like structure made this poem with a sense. I did not have to be too creative in writing the format of the essay and only had to write the words to fill in the format. I did not change too much of the poem as I felt that it was already really well written and only needed a bit of tweaking to make it editorial level. The poem I felt was not too long either because itShow MoreRelated The Great Gatsby and the Valley of Ashes Essay1149 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Gatsby and the Valley of Ashes  Many times we hear of societys affect on people; society influencing the way people think and act. Hardly mentioned is the reverse: peoples actions and lifestyles affecting society as a whole and how it is characterized. Thus, society is a reflection of its inhabitants and in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is a wasteland described as the valley of ashes. Since the characters of this novel make up this wasteland, arent they theRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald Research Paper1504 Words  | 7 PagesF. Scott Fitzgerald is in many ways one of the most notable writers of the twentieth century. His prodigious literary voice and style provides remarkable insight into the lifestyles of the rich and famous, as well as himself. 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Poets like T.S. Eliot, e.e. cummings, Wallace Stevens, and William Carlos Williams broke the rules of conventional poetry. Lastly, Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald replaced the plot-driven novels of the nineteenth century with their works: The Sun Also Rises and The Great Gatsby. New was in, and new meant new ways of looking at and experiencing literature, poetry, and other forms of art. Modernists realized that there was more than just understanding a
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Descriptive Essay Infinity - 1914 Words
Infinity came to me in the oddest wayâ€â€death. It was a shroud, the one you wear to church for a funeral, or to hide underneath the ash falling from the sky. The one you wear when you anticipate an event, and you shield yourself from any emotion. Infinity was what made me live past my day, not what kept me alive and structured. Maybe it was the way it jutted into my life that made me keep it, for the sake of a seven year-old’s dreams. She wanted to live, then so did I. I was five days from my seventh birthday when the city turned into the epitome of Heck, and the normally blue ceiling sky bloomed a ghostly shade of red. The enemy came for us. And we came for them. It was almost bittersweet, the sight of heaven. I was seven. Heaven hadn’t been registered into my thought clock; my most deep thoughts only consisted of whether the moon was made out of cheese, or whether or not I should step on the anthill. I reached heaven, hand in hand with my mother and father, as we waited for the gates to open. Once they did, my father stepped in first. He looked back at me, smiled and gestured for my mother to follow him. She almost danced inside, turning on her heels so happily and so much that I could not ever recall seeing that before. At last, it was my turn. I followed the light inside to join my parents, and avoid the lecture about my disobedience. The colors inside this new world were something I’ve never seen before: bright, chaotic, full of life. Maybe that was the first time IShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Amrhein, Lexie Sr Flavio s Home 935 Words  | 4 PagesGlimpses Toward Infinity (1996). The piece below is a description essay of one of his most touching photographs that he took in 1990 of a poor boy in Rio de Janeiro. Summary â€Å"I’ve never lost my fierce grudge against poverty. 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A Number, Numbers, by definition, is countable, so there is no number called ‘infinity’. 3. Perceptible bodies exist somewhere, they have a place, so there cannot be an infinite body.     Read More Role of the City in Poe’s Murders in the Rue Morgue and Hoffmann’s Mademoiselle de Scudery4157 Words  | 17 PagesThis student perceptively examines the role of the city as a setting and frame for detective fiction. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement Free Essays
In Martin Luther King‘s speech he speaks with such passion and determination, you can tell in his voice that he means everything he says and his hope reaches out to people and the way he emphases his words captures the audience’s attention. He believed that every person should be equal despite their skin color. In Malcolm X’s speech he talks more about himself and he thought it would be best for everyone to keep their religion to themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement or any similar topic only for you Order Now He believed that the black people were trapped by the white people. He thought of white people as the enemy and he mostly spoke negatively about them. He made jokes throughout his speech and to me he didn’t sound at serious as Martin Luther. For example Martin said â€Å"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. As opposed to Malcolm X, who stated in his speech â€Å"There is nothing in our book, the Koran, which teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion. †Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted a more peaceful approach. He hoped that w ith sit-ins and peace marches to appeal to the ideals of dignity and justice in the white people of the time. To show them the wrong they were doing so that they would want to correct it in themselves out of their own personal honor. Malcolm X on the other hand believed that white people would never give up their power, at least early on in his career as a civil rights leader. He believed they would only give it up if forced to do so, and that meant through militant means. He eventually give this idea up in favor of more peaceful means after finding white Muslims who treated him and other black men as brothers; and black men who treated white people as brothers as well. And with this he began to realize that they could live in peace, and so he switched to a more peaceful style in his protests in the end. Personally, I believe that Martin Luther’s approach to gaining equality among people worked best. When taking a forceful approach, such as Malcolm X’s you take a risk that your enemy will not fear you but that they could possibly fight back and over power you. This could possibly be said for a peaceful approach as well but it’s less likely. How to cite Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
college tuition Essay Example For Students
college tuition Essay Public college tuition fees need to increase and not have a ceiling set on them because over time instructional costs increase due to rising wages, salaries and inflation. If there were a ceiling government taxes would increase, and last many amenities would have to be subtracted.First, over time instructional costs increase due to rising wages, salaries and inflation. If tuition does not increase the salary of employees will decrease and jobs will have to be cut, because there will not be enough money. Along with a smaller faculty there will also be less class choice and increase in . Both of these things will result in a lower quality of education because there would not be enough money due to a tuition ceiling. The tuition that students and families pay goes towards the students education. According to Karen Arenson of the some colleges are already cutting back, taking such steps as eliminating faculty positions and reducing class . These things are already happening without a tuition ceiling. Just think that all colleges would have to do this instead of some if there was a tuition ceiling.If a ceiling was set on tuition at all public colleges in the united states there would be a drastic increase in government taxes. Tuition at public universities is usually shared between the government or taxpayers, and the parents and student. As student costs increase such as maintenance, room, board, travel, laundry, and entertainment taxes would have to increase to cover the additional expenses. The failure of tuition to increase at the same rate as the increases of wages and salaries in the economy will require additional government revenues.College isn’t all about bookwork. College is a place to have and experience new things. If a ceiling was set on tuition there would be almost no money to fund extracurricular activities such athletic and cultural facilities and other programs. Also colleges would not be able to pay for extensive libraries and new technology for students without tuition.
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